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Ismail Al Shikhli   11.jpg
The color palette of this composition remains consistent throughout exhibiting an earthy coloring of tans and browns. Taking up a majority of the picture plane is a man riding a bike with a child sitting on his shoulders. Both of the figures gaze…

Ismail Alkhayat 2.jpg
This minimal composition, by Ismail Alkhayat, is made up of various organic shapes that elude representational resemblance. An enigmatic black square sits at the center of the picture plane framing a shaded ink smear. The remainder of the composition…

Ismail Alkhayat 3 1980.jpg
In this monochromatic composition there exists various ways in which configure the multitude of organic shapes. The composition appears to be condensed towards the lower third of the picture plane as the ink becomes darker and the various shapes seem…

Ismail Alkhayat 1.jpg
This composition, by Ismail Alkhayat, is made up of various patterned amebic configurations that pile atop one another in a flattened space. The application of ink ranges from dark saturation to a light faded treatment giving texture to the patterned…

Jabbar Al-Banna 3.jpg
This three dimensional composition, by Jabbar Al-Banna, is mounted upon a rectangular neutral background; thus, the metallic sculpture is not completely in the round. Several stylized figures are merged together to form an organically shaped…

Jabbar Al-Banna 2.jpg
A feminine torso and upper legs compose the lower portion of this sculptural form by Jabbar Al-Banna. Atop the torso sits two faces in meshed with the body of the sculpture yet not apart of it. One of the faces has been rendered upside down with…

Four Artists from Baghdad.pdf
Exhibiting artists:

Rafa Al-Nasiri
Saleh Al-Jumaie
Dia Azzawi

With text by Jabra I. Jabra and excerpts from Sa'adoun Fadhil, Sameeh Samarra, Faktour Hakim, Shakir Hassan Al Said, Sadiq Sayegh, Ibrahim Zayr, Nouri al-Din Faris, Hamid…
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