part he was to perform. Having done this, he sent
messengers to different places, and one in particular
to the Egyptian army, ordering them to obey Smer-
dis, the son of Cyrus, alone.

LXII. These orders were every whore obeyed. The
messonger who came to Egypt found Cambyses with
the army, at Ecbatana, in Syria. He entered into the
midst of the troops, and executed the commission
which had been given him. When Cambyses heard
this, he was not aware of any fallacy, but imagined
that Prexaspes, whom he had sent to put Smerdis to
death, had neglected to obey his commands. " Prex-
" aspes," said the king," thou hast not fulfilled my
" orders." u Sir," he replied, " you are certainly de-
" ceived; it is impossible that your brother should rebel
" against you, or occasion you the smallest trouble.
" I not only executed your orders concerning Smerdis,
" but I buried him with my own hands. If the dead
" can rise again, you may expect also a rebellion from
" Astyages the Mede; but if things go on in their
" usual course, you can have nothing to apprehend
" from your brother. I would recommend, therefore,
" that you send for this herald, and demand by what
" authority he claims our allegiance to Smerdis."

LXII I. This advice was agreeable to Cambyaos;
the person of the herald was accordingly seized, and
he was thus addressed by Prexaspes: " You say, my
" friend, that you come from Smerdis, the son of Cy-
" rus; but I would advise you to be cautious, as your
" safety will depend upon your speaking the truth; tell
" me, therefore, did Smerdis himself intrust you with
" this commission, or did you receive it from some one
" of his officers ?" " I must confess," replied the her­
ald, " that since the departure of Cambyses on this
" Egyptian expedition, I have never seen Smerdis, the
" son of Cyrus. I received my present commission
" from the magus to whom Cambyses intrusted the
" management of his domestic affairs; he it was who
u told me that Smerdis, the son of Cyrus, commanded
" me to execute this business." This was the sincere
answer of the herald; upon which, Cambyses thus
addressed Prexaspes : " I perceive that, like a man of