sians, upon whose fidelity he could depend, and who
had themselves suspected the imposture. It was
agreed that each should disclose the business to the
friend in whom he most confided. Otanes therefore
chose Intaphernes; Gobryas, Megabyzus; and As-
pathines, Hydarnes. The conspirators being thus
six in number, Darius, son of Hystaspes, arrived at
Susa, from Persia, where his father was governor;
when they instantly agreed to make him also an as­

LXXI. These seven met, and after mutual vows
of fidelity, consulted together. As soon as Darius
was to speak, he thus addressed his confederates: " I
was of opinion that the death of Smerdis, the son of
Cyrus, and the usurpation of the magus, were circum­
stances known only to myself, and my immediate
purpose in coming hither, was to accomplish the
usurper's death. But since you are also acquainted
with the matter, I think that all delay will be dan­
gerous, and that we should instantly execute our inten­
tions." " Son of Hystaspes," replied Otanes, " born
of a noble parent, you seem the inheritor of your
father's virtue; nevertheless, be not precipitate, but
let us enter on this business with caution: for my
own part, I am averse to undertake any thing, till we
shall have strengthened our party." " My friends,"
resumed Darius, " if you follow the advice of Otanes,
your ruin is inevitable. The hope of reward will
induce some one to botray your designs to the magus.
An enterprise like this should be accomplished by
yourselves, disdaining all assistance. But since you
have revealed the secret, and added me to your party,
let us this very day put our designs in execution; for
I declare, if this day pass without our fulfilling our
intentions, no one shall to-morrow betray me; I will
myself disclose the conspiracy to the magus."

LXXII. When Otanes observed the ardour of Da­
rius ; Since," he replied, " you will not suffer us to
defer, but precipitate us to the termination of our
purpose, explain how we shall obtain entrance into
the palace, and attack the usurpers. That there are
guards regularly stationed, if you have not seen them