instantly to attack the magi, proceeded, after im­
ploring the aid of the gods, to execute their purpose.
They were at first ignorant of the fate of Prexaspes,
but they learned it as they went along. They with-
drew for a while to deliberate together; they who
sided with Otanes, thought that their enterprise
should be deferred, at least during the present tumult
of affairs. The friends of Darius, on the contrary,
were averse to any delay, and were anxious to exe­
cute what they had resolved, immediately. Whilst
they remained in this suspense, they observed seven
pair of hawks, which, pursuing two pair of vultures,
beat and severely tore them. At this sight, the con­
spirators came immediately into the designs of Da­
rius ; and reiving on the omen of the birds, advanced
boldly to the palace.

LXXVII. On their arrival at the gates, it happened
as Darius had foreseen. The guards, unsuspicious
of what was intended, and awed by their dignity of
rank, who, in this instance, seemed to act from a di­
vine impulse, without any questions, permitted them
to enter. As soon as they came to the interior of the
palace, they met with the eunuchs, who were em­
ployed as the royal messengers; these asked their
business, and at the same time threatened the guards
for suffering them to enter. On their opposing their
farther entrance, the conspirators drew their swords,
and, encouraging each other, put the eunuchs to
death; from hence they instantly rushed to the inner

LXXVIII. Here the two magi happened to be, in
consultation about what was to be done in conse­
quence of the conduct of Prexaspes. As soon as they
perceived the tumult, and heard the cries of the

eunuchs, they ran towards them, and preparing in a
manly manner to defend themselves, the one seized a
bow and the other a lance. As the conspirators drew

. near to the attack, the bow became useless; but the
other magus, who was armed with the lance, wounded
Aspathines in the thigh, and deprived Intaphernes of
one of his eyes, though the blow was not fatal. The
magus who found his bow of no service, retreated1 to