' measures of which, were applied to the maintenance
of the Persians and their auxiliary troops garrisoned
within the white castle of Memphis: this was the sixth
satrapy. The seventh was composed of the Satga-
gydm, the Gandarii, the Dadicse and Aparytre, who.
together paid one hundred and seventy talents. The
eighth satrapy furnished three hundred talents, and
consisted of Susa and the rest of the Cissians.

XCII. Babylon and the other parts of Assyria con­
stituted the ninth satrapy, and paid a thousand talents
of silver, with five hundred-young eunuchs. The tenth
satrapy furnished four hundred and fifty talents, and
consisted of Ecbatana, the rest of Media, the Paryca-
nii, and the Orthocorybantes. The Caspians, the
Pausicae, the Pantimathi, and the Daritae, contributed
amongst them two hundred talents, and formed the
eleventh satrapy. The twelfth produced three hun­
dred and sixty talents, and was composed of the whole
country from the Bactrians to iEglos.

XCIII. From the thirteenth satrapy four hundred
talents were levied; this comprehended Pactyica, the
Armenians, with the contiguous nations, as far as the
Euxine. The fourteenth satrapy consisted of the
Sangatians, the Saranga3ans,theTliamana3ans,Utians,
and Menci, with those who inhabit the islands of the
Red Sea, where the king sends those whom he ban­
ishes ; these jointly contributed six hundred talents.
The Sacse and Casii formed the fifteenth satrapy, and
provided two hundred and fifty talents. Three hun­
dred talents were levied from the Parthians, Choras-
mians, Sogdians, and Arians, who were the sixteenth

XCIV. The Paricanii and Ethiopians of Asia paid
four hundred talents, and formed the seventeenth
satrapy. The eighteenth was taxed at two hundred
talents, and was composed of the Matieni, the Sas-
pirians, and Alaronians. The Moschi, Tibareni, Ma-
crones, Mosynoeci, and Mardians, provided three hun­
dred talents, and were the nineteenth satrapy. The
Indians, the most numerous nation of whom we have
any knowledge, were proportionably taxed; they