them near these nests: they then retire to some dis­
tance ; the birds soon fly to the spot, and carry these
pieces of flesh to their nests, which not being able to
support the weight, fall in pieces to the ground. The
Arabians take this opportunity of gathering the cin­
namon, which they afterwards dispose of to different

CXII. The ledanum, or, as the natives term it,
ladanum, is gathered in a more remarkable manner
than even the cinnamon. In itself it is particularly
fragrant, though gathered from a place as much the
contrary. It is found sticking to the beards of he-
goats, like the mucus of trees. It is mixed by the
Arabians, in various aromatics, and indeed it is with
this that they commonly perfume themselves.

CXIII. I have thought it proper to be thus minute
on the subject of the Arabian perfumes; and we may
add, that the whole of Arabia exhales a most delicious
fragrance. There are also in this country two species
of sheep, well deserving admiration, and to be found
nowhere else. One of them is remarkable for an
enormous length of tail, extending to three cubits, if
not more. If they were permitted to trail them along
the ground, they would certainly ulcerate from the
friction. But the shepherds of the country are skil­
ful enough to make little carriages, upon which they
secure the tails of the sheep: the tails of the other
species are of the size of one cubit.

CXIV. Ethiopia, which is the extremity of the
habitable world, is contiguous to this, country on the
south-west. This produces gold in great quantities,
elephants with their prodigious teeth, trees and shrubs
of every kind, as well as ebony; its inhabitants are
also remarkable for their size, their beauty, and their
length of life.

CXV. The above are the two extremes of Asia and
Africa. Of that part of Europe nearest to the west,
I am not able to speak with decision. I by no means
believe that the Barbarians give the name of Erida-
nus to a river which empties itself into the Northern
Sea, whence, as it is said, our amber comes. Neither
am I better acquainted with the islands called the