both sexes hastened to Persia, and presenting them­
selves before tie palace of the king, made loud com­
plaints. In consequence of this, the monarch directed
the gates to be opened towards those parts where
water was most immediately wanted; ordering them
again to be closed after the lands had been sufficiently
refreshed: the same was done with respect to them
all, beginning where moisture was wanted the most.
I have, however, been informed, that this is only
granted in consideration of a large donative above'
the usual tribute.

CXVIII. Intaphernes, one of the seven who had
conspired against the magus, lost his life from the
following act of insolence. Soon after the death of
the usurpers, he went to the palace, with the view of
having a conference with the king; for the conspira­
tors had mutually agreed, that, except the king should
happen to be in bed with his wife, they might any of
them have access to the royal presence, without send­
ing a previous messenger. Intaphernes, not thinking
any introduction necessary, was about to enter, but
the porter and the introducing officer prevented him,
pretending that the king was retired with one of his
wives. He, not believing their assertion, drew his
sword, and cut off their ears and noses; then taking
the bridle from his horse, he tied them together, and
so dismissed them.

CXIX. In this condition they presented themselves
before the king, telling him why they had been thus
treated. Darius, thinking that this might have been
done with the consent of the other conspirators, sent
for them separately, and desired tp know whether
they approved of what had happened. As soon as he
was convinced that Intaphernes had perpetrated this
deed without any communication with the rest, he
ordered him, his son, and all his family, to be taken
into custody: having many reasons to suspect, that in
concert with his friends he might excite a sedition :
he afterwards commanded them all to be put in chains,
and prepared for execution. The wife of Intaphernes
then presented herself before the royal palace, exhibit­
ing every demonstration of grief. As she regularly