CXXIX. Upon the death of Orates, his effects
Were all removed to Susa. Not long after which, Da­
rius, as he was engaged in the chase, in leaping from
his horse, twisted his foot with so much violence, that
the ancle-bone was dislocated. Having at his court
some Egyptians, supposed to be the most skilful of
the medical profession, he trusted to their assistance.
They, however, increased the evil, by twisting and
otherwise violently handling the part affected: from
the extreme pain which he endured, the king passed
seven days and as many nights without sleep. In this
situation, on the eighth day, some one ventured to re­
commend Democedes of Crotona, having before heard
of his reputation at Sardis. Darius immediately sent
for him: he was discovered amongst the slaves of
Orates, where he had continued in neglect, and was
brought to the king just as he was found, in chains
and in rags.

CXXX. As soon as he appeared, Darius asked him
if he had any knowledge of medicine ? In the appre­
hension that if he discovered his art, he should never
have the power of returning to Greece, Democedes
for a while dissembled; which Darius perceiving, he
ordered those who had brought him to produce the
instruments of punishment and torture. Democedes
began then to be more explicit, and confessed that,
although he possessed no great knowledge of the art,
yet by his connexion with a physician he had obtain­
ed some little proficiency. The management of the
case was then intrusted to him; he accordingly appli­
ed such medicines and strong fomentations as were
customary in Greece; by which means Darius, who
began to despair of ever recovering the entire use of
his foot, was not only enabled to sleep, but in a short
time perfectly restored to health. In acknowledgment
of his cure, Darius presented him with two pair of
fetters of gold: upon which Democedes ventured to
ask the king, whether, in return for his restoring him
to health, he wished to double his calamity? The
king, delighted with the reply, sent the man to the
apartments of his women: the eunuchs who conducted
him, informed them, that this was the man who had

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