others the best qualified to describe and explain tr
you every thing which relates to Greece." " If it W
your wish," replied Darius, " that I should first mai|
a military excursion against Greece, it will be prop*
to send previously thither some Persians as spies, it
company with the man to whom you allude, 's
soon as they return, and shall have informed me of
the result of their observations, I will proceed again*

CXXXV. Darius having delivered his sentiments,
no time was lost in fulfilling them. As soon as tig
morning appeared, he sent for fifteen Persians of aj*
proved reputation, and commanded them, in company
with Democedes, to examine every part of the sea-
coast of Greece, enjoining them to be very watchful
of Democedes, and by all means to bring him back
with them. When he had done this, he next sent for
Democedes himself, and after desiring him to examine
and explain to the Persians every thing which related
to Greece, he entreated him to return in their com­
pany. All the valuables which he possessed, he re­
commended him to take, as presents to his father and
his brethren, assuring him that he should be provided
with a greater number on his return. He moreover
informed him, that he had directed a vessel to accom­
pany him, which was to be furnished with various
things of value. In these professions Darius, as I am
of opinion, was perfectly sincere; but Democedes,
apprehending that the king meant to make trial of
his fidelity, accepted these proposals without much
acknowledgment. He desired, however, to leave his
own effects, that they might be ready for his use at
his return; but he accepted the vessel which was to
carry the presents for his family. Darius, after giving
these injunctions to Democedes, dismissed the party
to prosecute their voyage.

CXXXVI. As soon as they arrived at Sidon, in
Phoenicia, they manned two triremes, and loaded a
large transport with different articles of wealth ; after
this, they proceeded to Greece, examining the sea-
coasts with the most careful attention. When they
had informed themselves of the pmiculart relating to