that if, for the purpose of effecting the restoration a
this man, a large fleet should be fitted out, all Green
would take alarm; Gillus affirmed that the Cnidiaa
would of themselves be able to accomplish it:
imagining that as this people were in alliance vrilb
the Tarentines, it might be effected without difficultj
Darius acceded to his wishes, and sent a raessen
to Cnidos, requiring them to restore Gillus to Ta
tum. The Cnidians wished to satisfy Darius;
their solicitations had no effect on the Tarent
and they were not in a situation to employ force,
these particulars, the above is a faithful relation, I
these were the first persons who, with the view <
examining the state of Greece, passed over thit]
from Asia.

CXXXIX. Not long afterwards, Darius besieges1
and took Samos. This was the first city, either of
Greeks or barbarians, which felt the force of his arms,
and for these reasons: Cambyses, in his expeditioB
against Egypt, was accompanied by a great number
of Greeks. Some, as it is probable, attended him from
commercial views, others as soldiers, and many from
no other motive than curiosity. Among these last
was Syloson, an exile of Samos, son of ^aces, and
brother of Polycrates. It happened one day verj
fortunately for this Syloson, that he was walking in
the great square of Memphis with a red cloak folded
about him. Darius, who was then in the king's
guards, and of no particular consideration, saw him,
and was so delighted with his cloak, that He went up
to him with the view of purchasing it. Syloson, ob­
serving that Darius was very solicitous to have the
cloak, happily, as it proved for him, expressed himself
thus: " I would not part with this cloak for any pe­
cuniary consideration whatever; but if it must be so,
I will make you a present of it." Darius praised his
generosity, and accepted the cloak.

CXL. Syloson for a while thought he had foolishly
lost his cloak, but afterwards when Cambyses died,
and the seven conspirators had destroyed the magus,
he learned that Darius, one of these seven, had ob­
tained the kingdom, and was the very man to whoa