>Tmerly, at his request, in Egypt, he had given his
oak. He went, therefore, to Susa, and presenting
amself before the royal palace, said that he had once
lone a service to the king. Of this circumstance the
jorter informed the king; who was much astonished,
md exclaimed, " To what Greek can I possibly be ob-
iged for any services ? I have not long been in pos­
session of my authority, and since this time no Greek
has been admitted to my presence, nor can I at all
remember being indebted to one of that nation. In­
troduce him, however, that I may know what he has
to say." Syloson was accordingly admitted to th
royal presence; and being interrogated by interpreters
who he was, and in what circumstance he had ren­
dered service to the king, he told the story of the
cloak, and said that he was the person who had given
it. In reply, Darius exclaimed, "Are you then thai
generous man, who, at a time when I was possessed
of no authority, made me a present, which, though
Rinall, was as valuable to me then, as any thing of
importance would be to me now ? I will give you in
return, that you may never repent of your kindness to
Darius, the son of Hystaspes, abundance of gold
and silver." " Sir," replied Syloson, " I would have
neither gold nor silver; give me Samos my country,
and deliver it from servitude. Since the death of Po-
lycrates my brother, whom Orastes slew, it has been
in the hands of one of our slaves. Give me this, Sir,
without any effusion of blood, or reducing my coun­
trymen to servitude."

CXLI. On hearing this, Darius sent an army, com­
manded by Otanes, one of the seven, with orders to
accomplish all that Syloson had desired. Otanes pro­
ceeded to the sea, and embarked with his troops.

CXLII. The supreme authority at Samos was then
possessed by Maeandrius, son of Maeandrius, to whom
it had been confided by Polycrates himself. He was
desirous of proving himself a very honest man, but
the times would not permit him. As soon as he was
informed of the death of Polycrates, the first thing he
did was to erect an altar to Jupiter Liberator, tracing
round it the sacred ground, which may now be seen