forth, he from this conceived that Babylon was not
impregnable. The prophecy itself, and the mule's
having a young one, seemed to indicate something

CLIV. Having satisfied himself that Babylon might
be taken, he went to Darius, and inquired if the cap­
ture of this city was of particular importance to him.
Hearing that it really was, he began to think how be
might have the honour of effecting it by himself: for
in Persia there is no more certain road to greatness,
than by the performance of illustrious actions. He
conceived there was no more probable means of ob­
taining his end, than first to mutilate himself, ami
thus pass over to the enemy. He made no scruple to
wound himself beyond the power of being healed, for
he cut off his nose and his ears, and clipping his hair
close, so as to give it a mean appearance, he scourged
himself, and in this condition presented himself before

CLV. When the king beheld a man of his illustrious
rank in so deplorable a condition, he instantly leaped
in anger from his throne, and asked who had dared to
treat him with such barbarity ? Zopyrus made this
reply, " No man, Sir, except yourself, could have this
power over my person: I alone have thus disfigured
my body, which I was prompted to do from vexation
at beholding the Assyrians thus mock us." " Wretch­
ed man," answered the king, " do you endeavour to
disguise the shameful action you have perpetrated
under an honourable name ? Do you suppose that
because you have thus deformed yourself, the enemy
will the sooner surrender? I fear what you have
done has been occasioned by some defect of your rea­
son." " Sir," answered Zopyrus, " if I had previ­
ously disclosed to you my intentions, you would have
prevented their accomplishment; my present situation
is the result of my own determination only. If you do
not fail me, Babylon is our own. I propose to go, in
the condition in which you see me, as a deserter to the
Babylonians: it is my hope to persuade them that I
have suffered these cruelties from you, and that they
will, in consequence, give me some place of military