which in its abandoned state was seized and occupied
by the Scythians.

XII. There are still to be found in Scythia walls
and bridges which are termed Cimmerian; the same
name is also given to a whole district, as well as to a
narrow sea. It is certain that when the Cimmerians
were expelled their country by the Scythians, they
fled to the Asiatic Chersonese, where the Greek city
of Sinope is at present situated. It is also apparent,
that, whilst engaged in the pursuit, the Scythians
deviated from their proper course, and entered Media.
The Cimmerians in their flight kept uniformly by
the sea-coast; but the Scythians, having Mount Cau­
casus to their right, continued the pursuit, till by
following an inland direction they entered Media.

XIII. There is still another account, which has ob­
tained credit both with the Greeks and barbarians.
Aristeas the poet, a native of Proconnesus, and son
of Caustrobius, relates, that under the influence of
Apollo he came to the Issedones, that beyond this
people he found the Arimaspi, a nation who have bat
one eye; farther on were the Gryphins, the guardians
of the gold; and beyond these the Hyperboreans,
who possess the whole country quite to the sea, and
that all these nations, except the Hyperboreans, are
continually engaged in war with their neighbours.
Of these hostilities the Arimaspians were the first
authors, for they drove out the Issedones, who did
the same to the Scythians: the Scythians compelled
the Cimmerians, who possessed the country towards
the south, to abandon their native land. Thus it ap­
pears, that the narrative of Aristeas differs also from
that of the Scythians.

XIV. Of what country the relater of the above ac­
count was, we have already seen; but I ought not to
omit what I have heard of this personage, both at
Proconnesus and Cyzicus. It is said of this Aristeas,
that he was of one of the best families of his country,
and that he died in the workshop of a fuller, into
which he had accidentally gone. The fuller imme­
diately secured his shop, and went to inform the rela­