mentioned confesses, in the poem which he wrote,
that he did not penetrate beyond the Issedones : and
that what he related of the countries more remote, he
learned of the Issedones themselves. For my own
part, all the intelligence which the most assiduous
researches, and the greatest attention to authenti­
city, have been able to procure, shall be faithfully

XVII. As we advance from the port of the Borys-
thenites, which is unquestionably the centre of all the
maritime parts of Scythia, the first people who are
met with are the Callipidte, who are Greek Scythians:
beyond these is another nation, called the Halizones.
These two people in general observe the customs of
the Scythians, except that for food they sow corn,
onions, garlic, lentils, and millet. Beyond the Hali­
zones dwell some Scythian husbandmen, who sow
corn not to eat, but for sale. Still more remote are
the Neuri, whose country towards the north, as far as
I have been able to learn, is totally uninhabited. All
these nations dwell near the river Hypanis, to the
west of the Borysthenes.

XVIII. Having crossed the Borysthenes, the first
country towards the sea is Hyltea, contiguous to
which are some Scythian husbandmen, who call
themselves Olbiopolitte, but who, by the Greeks living
near the Hypanis, are called Borysthenites. The
country possessed by these Scythians towards the «ast
is the space of a three days' journey, as far as the
river Panticapes; to the north, their lands extend to
the amount of an eleven days' voyage along the Bo­
rysthenes. The space beyond this is a vast inhospi­
table desert; and remoter still are the Androphagi, or
men-eaters, a separate nation, and by no means Scy­
thian. As we pass farther from these, the country is
altogether desert, not containing, to our knowledge,
any inhabitants.

XIX. To the east of these Scythians, who are hus­
bandmen, and beyond the river Panticapes, are the
Scythian Nomades or shepherds, who are totally un­
acquainted with agriculture: except Hyltea, all this
country is naked of trees. These Nomades inhabit a