considerable space, a people are found living at the
foot of some lofty mountains, who, both male and fe­
male, are said to be bald from their birth, having large
chins, and nostrils like the ape species. They have a
language of their own, but their dress is Scythian;
they live chiefly upon the produce of a tree which is
called the ponticus; it is as large as a fig, and has a
kernel not unlike a bean: when it is ripe they press it
through a cloth; it produces a thick black liquor,
which they call aschy; this they drink, mixing it with
milk; the grosser parts which remain they form into
balls and eat. They have but few cattle, from the
want of proper pasturage. Each man dwells under
his tree; this during the winter they cover with a
thick white cloth, which in the summer is removed;
they live unmolested by any one, being considered as
sacred, and having among them no offensive weapon.
Their neighbours apply to them for decision in mat­
ters of private controversy ; and whoever seeks an
asylum amongst them is secure from injury. They
are called the Argipptei.

XXIV. As far as these people who are bald, the
knowledge of the country and intermediate nations
is clear and satisfactory; it may be Obtained from
the Scythians, who have frequent communication
with them, from the Greeks of the port on the Borys-
theneS) and from many other places of trade on the
Euxine. As these nations have seven different lan­
guages, the Scythians who communicate with them
have occasion for as many interpreters.

XXV. Beyond these Argipptei, no certain intelli­
gence is to be had, a chain of 16fty and inaccessible'
mountains precluding all discovery. The people who"
are bald assert, what I can by no means believe, that
these mountains are inhabited by men, who in their
lower parts resemble a goat; and that beyond these
are a race who sleep away six months of the year :
neither does this seem at all more probable. To the
east of the Argipptei it is beyond all doubt that tho
country is possessed by the Issedones; but beyond
them to the north neither the Issedones nor the Argip-
ptei know any thing more than I have already related.