XC. The people who inhabit its banks, affirm t2ir
waters of the Teams to be an excellent remedy far
various diseases, and particularly for ulcers, both ia
men and horses. Its sources are thirty-eight in num­
ber, issuing from the same rock, part of which are cold,
and part warm; they are at an equal distance from
Herteum, a city near Perinthus, and from Apollonu
on the Euxine, being a two days' journey from both,
The Tearus flows into the Contadesdus, the ConU-
desdus into the Agrianis, the Agrianis into the He-
brus, the Hebrus into the sea, near the city iEnus.

XCI. Darius arriving at the Tearus, there fixed hii
camp: he was so delighted with this river, that ha
caused a column to be erected on the spot, with thil
inscription: "The sources of the Tearus afford
best and clearest waters in the world:—In prosecuting
an expedition against Scythia, Darius son of Hystas-
pes, the best and most amiable of men, sovereign of
Persia, and of all the continent, arrived here with his

XCII. Leaving this place, Darius advanced toward*
another river, called Artiscus, which flows through
the country of the Odrysians. On his arrival here,
he fixed upon one certain spot, on which he com­
manded every one of his soldiers to throw a stone as
he passed: this was accordingly done; and Darius,
having thus raised an immense pile of stones, pro­
ceeded on his march.

XCIII. Before he arrived at the Ister, he first of
all subdued the Gette, a people who pretend to im­
mortality. The Thracians of Salmydessus, and they
who live above Apollonia, and the city of Mesambria,
with those who are called Cyrmianians, and Myp-
pffians, submitted themselves to Darius without resist­
ance. The Geta3 obstinately defended themselves,
but were soon reduced; these, of all the Thracians,
are the bravest and most upright.

XCIV. They believe themselves to be immortal
and whenever any one dies, they are of opinion that
he is removed to the presence of their god Zamolxis,
whom some believe to be tbe same with Gebeleizes.
Once in every five years they choose one by lot, who