route, they immediately seized them, and, mounted on
these, proceeded to plunder the Scythians.

CXI. The Scythians were unable to explain what
had happened, being neither acquainted with the lan­
guage, the dress, nor the country of the invaders.
TJnder the impression that they were a body of men
nearly of the same age, they offered them battle. The
result was, that, having taken some as prisoners, they
at last discovered them to be women. After a con­
sultation among themselves, they determined not to
put any of them to death, but to select a detachment
of their youngest men, equal in number, as they might
conjecture, to the Amazons. They were directed to
encamp opposite to them, and by their adversaries'
motions to regulate their own: if they were attacked,
they were to retreat without making resistance; when
the pursuit should be discontinued, they were to reĀ»
turn, and again encamp as near the Amazons as pos­
sible. The Scythians took these measures, with the
view of having children by these invaders.

CXII. The young men did as they were ordered.
The Amazons, seeing that no injury was offered them,
desisted from hostilities. The two camps imper­
ceptibly approached each other. The young Scy­
thians, as well as the Amazons, had nothing but their
arms and their horses; and both obtained their sub­
sistence from the chase.

CXIII. It was the custom of the Amazons, about
noon, to retire from the rest, either alone or two in
company, to ease nature. The Scythians discovered
this, and did likewise. One of the young men met
with an Amazon, who had wandered alone from her
companions, and who, instead of rejecting his caresses,
suffered him to enjoy her person. They were not able
to converse with each other, but she intimated by
signs, that if on the following day, he would come to
the same place, and bring with him a companion, she
would bring another female to meet him. The young
man returned, and told what had happened: he was
punctual to his engagement, and the next day went
with a friend to the place, where he found the two
Amazons waiting to receive them.
