ceived intelligence of the death of Arcesilaus, she
sought refuge in Egypt. Her son had some claims
upon the liberality of Cambyses, son of Cyrus; he had
delivered Cy rene into his power, and paid him tribute.
On her arrival in Egypt, she presented herself before
Aryandes in the character of a suppliant, and besought
him to revenge her cause, pretending that her son
had lost his life, merely on account of his attachment
to the Medes.

CLXVI. This Aryandes had been appointed pra­
fect of Egypt by Cambyses; but afterwards, presum­
ing to rival Darius, he was by him put to death. He
had heard, and indeed he had seen, that Darius was
desirous to leave some monument Of himself, which
should exceed all the efforts of his predecessors. He
thought proper to attempt somewhat similar, but it
cost him his life. Darius had issued a coin of the
very purest gold: the prafect of Egypt issued one of
the purest silver, and called it an Aryandic. It may
still be seen, and is much admired for its purity. Da­
rius hearing of this, condemned him to death, pre­
tending that he had rebelled against him. m

CLXVII. At this time Aryandes, taking compas­
sion on Pheretime, delivered to her command, all the
land and sea forces of Egypt. He intrusted to Ama-
sis, a Maraphian, the conduct of the army; and Badre,
a Pasargadian by birth, had the direction of the fleet.
Before however they proceeded on any expedition, a
herald was despatched to Barce, demanding the name
of the person who had assassinated Arcesilaus. The
Barceans replied, that they were equally concerned,
for he had repeatedly injured them all. Having re­
ceived this answer, Aryandes permitted his forces to
proceed with Pheretime.

CLXVIII. This was the pretence with Aryandes
for commencing hostilities: but I am rather inclined
to think that he had the subjection of the Libyans in
view. The nations of Libya are many and various;
few of them had ever submitted to Darius, and most
of them held him in contempt. Beginning from
Egypt, the Libyans are to be enumerated in the order
following:—the first are the Adyrmachidie, whose