manners are in every respect Egyptian; their dress is
Libyan. On each leg, their wives wear a ring of
brass. They suffer their hair to grow ; if they catch
any fleas upon their bodies, they first bite and then
throw them away. They are the only people of Libya
who do this. It is also peculiar to them to present
th'eir daughters to the king, just before their marriage,
who may enjoy the persons of such as are agreeable
to him. The Adyrmachidse occupy the country be­
tween Egypt and the port of Pleunos.

CLX1X. Next to these are the GiligammiE, who
dwell towards the west as far as the island of Aphro-
disias. In the midst of this region is the island of
Platea, which the Cyreneans colonized. The harbour
of Menelaus and Aziris, possessed also by the Cyre­
neans, is upon the continent. Silphium begins where
these terminate, and is continued from Platea to the
mouth of the Syrtes. The manners of these people
nearly resemble those of their neighbours.

CLXX. From the west, and immediately next to
the Giligammaj, are the Asbystae. They are above
Cyrene, but have no communication with the sea-
coasts, which are occupied by the Cyreneans: beyond
all the Libyans, they are remarkable for their use of
chariots drawn by four horses, and in most respects
they imitate the manners of the Cyreneans.

CLXXI. On the western borders of this people,
dwell the Auschisae; their district commences above
Barce, and is continued to the sea, near the Eues-
perides. The Cabales, an inconsiderable nation, in­
habit towards tho centre of the Auschisse, and extend
themselves to the sea-coast near Tauchira, a town be­
longing to Barce. The Cabales have the same cus­
toms as the people beyond Cyrene.

CLXXII. The powerful nation of the Nasamones
border on the Auschisa towards the west. This peo­
ple during the summer season leave their cattle on
the sea-coast, and go up the country to a place called
Augila to gather dates. Upon this spot the palms
are equally numerous, large, and fruitful: they also
hunt for locusts, which having dried in the sun, they
reduce them to a powder, and eat mixed with milk.