hers, who had observed all from a convenient situa-
ion, came forwards, and declared that they were Pae-
•nians, and the woman their sister. Upon this, Darius
nquired who the Poeonians were, where their country
vas situated, and what had induced themselves to
ome to Sardis. The young men replied, "that as to
hemselves, their only motive was a desire of entering
nto his service; that P annua their country was situ-
ited on the banks of the river Strymon, at no great
iistance from the Hellespont." They added, " that
the Poeonians were a Trojan colony." Darius then
inquired if all the women in their country were thus
accustomed to labour; they replied without hesita­
tion in the affirmative, for this was the point they had
particularly in view.

XIV. In consequence of the above, Darius sent let­
ters to Megabyzus, whom he had left commander of
his forces in Thrace, ordering him to remove all the
Pseonians to Sardis, with their wives and families.
The courier sent with this message instantly made
his way to the Hellespont, which having passed, he
presented Megabyzus with the orders of his master.
Megabyzus accordingly lost no time lYi executing
them; but taking with him some Thracian guides,
led his army against Paeonia.

XV. The Pseonians being aware of the intentions of
the Persians, collected their forces, and advanced to­
wards the sea, imagining the enemy would there make
their attack : thus they prepared themselves to resist
the invasion of Megabyzus: but the Persian general
being informed that every approach from the sea was
guarded by their forces, under the direction of his
guides made a circuit by the higher.parts of the coun­
try, and thus eluding the Pseonians, came unexpect­
edly upon their towns, of which, as they were gener­
ally deserted, he took possession without difficulty.
The Pasonians, informed of this event, dispersed them­
selves, and returning to their families submitted to
the Persians. Thus, the Pseonians, the Syropaeonians,
the Preoptic, and they who possess the country as far
as the Prasian lake, were removed from their habita-
tions, and transported to Asia.