you at my return from Scythia filled me with the ex-
tremest Yegret ; my desire to converse with you con­
tinually increased, being well convinced that there a
no treasure so great as a sincere and sagacious friend,
for of your truth as well as prudence, I have received
the most satisfactory proofs. You have done well in
coming to me; I therefore entreat you that, forgetting
Miletus, and leaving the city you have recently built
in Thrace, you will accompany me to Susa; you shall
there have apartments in my palace, and live with
me, my companion and my friend."

XXV. Darius, having thus accomplished his wishes,
took Histiaeus with him, and departed for Susa. Ar-
taphernes, his brother by the father's side, was left
governor of Sardis ; Otanes was intrusted with the
command of the sea-coast. Sisamnes, the father of
the latter, had been one of the royal judges; but hav­
ing been guilty of corruption in the execution of his
office, was put to death by Cambyses. By order of
this prince, the entire skin was taken from his body,
and fixed over the tribunal at which he formerly pre­
sided. Cambyses gave the office of Sisamnes to his
son Otanes, commanding him to have constantly in
memory on what tribunal he sat.

XXVI. Otanes having at first the above appoint­
ment, succeeded afterwards to the command of Me-
gabyzus, when he reduced Byzantium and Chalcedon.
He took also Lamponium and Antandros, which lat­
ter is in the province of Troy. With the assistance
of a fleet from Lesbos, he made himself master of
Lemnos and Imbros, both of which were then inhab­
ited by Pelasgi.

XXVII. The Lemnians fought with great bravery,
and made a long and vigorous resistance, but were at
length subdued. Over such as survived the conflict,
the Persians appointed Lycaretus governor ; he was
the brother of Mseander, who had reigned at Samos,
but he died during his government. All the above-men­
tioned people were reduced to servitude : it was pre­
tended that some had been deserters in the Scythian
expedition, and that others had harassed Darius in his