equal to thirty stadia, which it really is, from Sar-
dis to this royal residence of Memnon are thirteen
thousand five hundred stadia, or four hundred and
fifty parasangs: allowing, therefore, one hundred and
fifty stadia to each day, the whole distance will be a
journey of ninety entire days.

LIV. Aristagoras was, therefore, correct in telling
Cleomenes the Lacedaemonian, that it was a three
months' march to the residence of the Persian mon­
arch. For the benefit of those who wish to have more
satisfactory information on the subject, it may not be
amiss to add the particulars of the distance betwixt
Sardis and Ephesus. From the Greek sea to Susa, the
name by which the city of Memnon is generally known,
is fourteen thousand and forty stadia; from Ephesus to
Sardis is five hundred and forty stadia; thus three days
must be added to the computation of the three monthsi

LV. From Sparta Aristagoras went to Athens*
which at this period had recovered its liberty: Aris-
togiton and flarmodius, who were Gephyreans by
descent, had put to death Hipparchus, son of Pisistra-
tus, and brother of Hippias the tyrant. We are in­
formed that Hipparchus had received intimation in a
vision of the disaster which afterwards befell him i
though for four years after his death, the people of
Athens suffered greater oppression than before.

LVI. The particulars of the vision which Hippar­
chus saw arc thus related : in the night preceding the
festival of the Panathensea, Hipparchus beheld a tall
and comely personage, who addressed him in these
ambiguous terms:

Brave lion, thy unconquer'd soul compose
To meet unmov'd intolerable woes:
In vain th' oppressor would elude his fate,
The vengeance of the gods is sure, though late.

As soon as the morning appeared; he disclosed what
he had seen to the interpreters of dreams. He how­
ever slighted the vision, and was killed In the cele*
bration of some public festival.

LVII. The Gephyreans, of which nation were the
assassins of Hipparchus, came, as themselves affirm,
originally from Eretria. But the result of my inquiries

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