persuaded the Cyprians to rebel. The Amathusian!,

who alone opposed him, he closely besieged.

CV. At this period, Darius was informed of the
burning of Sardis by the Athenians and Ionians, and
that Aristagoras of Miletus was the principal instiga­
tor of the confederacy against him. On first receiv­
ing the intelligence, he is said to have treated the re­
volt of the Ionians wtih extreme contempt, as if cer­
tain that it was impossible for them to escape his in­
dignation ; but he desired to know who the Athenian*
were? On being told, he called for his bow, and
shooting an arrow into the air, he exclaimed :—"Suf­
fer me, oh Jupiter, to be revenged on these Atheni­
ans." He afterwards directed one of his attendants
to repeat to him three times every day, when he sat
down to table, "Sir, remember the Athenians."

CV1. After giving these orders, Darius summoned
to his presence Histiams of Miletus, whom he had
long detained at his court. He addressed him thus:
" I am informed, Histitetis, that the man to whom yoii
intrusted the government of Miletus, has excited >
rebellion against me J he has procured forces from the
opposite continent, and seduced the Ionians, Whom I
shall unquestionably chastise, from their duty. With
their united assistance, he has destroyed my city of
Sardis. Can such a conduct possibly meet with your
approbation ? or, unadvised by you, could he have
done what he has ?- Be careful not to involve yourself
in a second offence against my authority." "'Can
you, Sir, believe," said Histiteus in reply, "that I
would be concerned in any thing which might occa­
sion the smallest perplexity to you ? What should I,
who have nothing to wish for, gain by such conduct?
Do I not participate all that you yourself enjoy : and
have I not the honour of being your counsellor and
your friend ? If my representative has acted as you
allege, it is entirely his own deed; but I cannot
easily be persuaded that either he, or the Milesiara,
Would engage in any thing to your prejudice. If,
nevertheless, what you intimate be really true, by
withdrawing me from my own proper station, you
have only to blame yourself for the event. I suppon