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  • Format contains "Oil on Canvas"

Salman Abbas 2.jpg
The lower portion of this composition is populated with abstracted architectural forms of piled rectangles decorated with triangular and line patterning. Three domes, which take on a more three-dimensional shape, overlap one another in the central…

Salman Abbas 7.jpg
In this composition, by Salman Abbas, a series of architectural structures float within a hazy gray background. Domes and latticework windows cast shadows onto the backdrop in various directions belying the strict identification of a light source. An…

Salman Abbas 4 1986.jpg
A series of archways and domes are rendered within an obscure background of a dim hazy yellow. The branches of a tree can be seen peaking out behind one of the archways in the upper center of the picture plane. The latticework patterning and earthy…

Salman Abbas 5.jpg
The repetition of form draws this composition into a cohesive whole. Five outlined arches are arranged horizontally across the center of the picture plane while one arch resides in the extreme foreground. Each arch is decorated with an array of…

Amer Al-Obaidi 3.jpg
The main color palette of this composition is made up of various shades of blue with splashes of red patterning. Three stylized horses dominate the picture plane. The highly abstracted version of a human figure appears to be laid horizontally across…

Amer Al-Obaidi 2.jpg
This composition, by Amer Al-Obaidi, is bifurcated into two hemispheres of black and red. The picture plane is otherwise void with the exception of a cluster of figures concentrated at the center of the canvas. This cluster is composed of abstracted…

Amer Al-Obaidi 1_1983.jpg
Two almost identical horses stand erect at the left of the composition. There forms are somewhat stylized, yet still recognizable in contrast to the setting in which they have been placed. The way in which the landscape is rendered is reminiscent of…

Shaker Hassan  11.jpg
The entirety of this composition is made up of a grid pattern with squares of various shades of blue and black. Within the grid are two arching formations; one opening upward and filled in with patches of red, white, and yellow, the other is…

Malallah 4
Malallah has utilized a grid pattern to compose this piece. Atop the strict organization of small squares black paint drips down from the upper portion of the picture plane, smearing when coming into contact with the white lower third of the…


Hashim Al-Tawil 1.jpg
This composition, by Hashim Al-Tawil, is made up of several square vignettes. Each square contains different representations that combine text and image. Groups of figures are rendered in a reductive manner with heads and bodies insinuated with ovals…
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