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  • Format contains "Oil on Canvas"

Mukhallad Al-Mukhtar 29.jpg
This composition is set against a series of rainbow-like color bands. In the upper third of the picture plane the outline of a bull filled with interlacing lines stretches horizontally floating in an ambiguous space. Various other animalistic forms…

Mukhallad Al-Mukhtar7.jpg
This composition is made up of multiple raised squares with backgrounds of blue, purple, red, and green. Within these square vignettes are various representational forms depicted as compositions in and of themselves. Human faces can be seen…

Mukhallad Al-Mukhtar 12.jpg
The entirety of this composition is made up of a plethora of stenciled forms cut into sections with the use of juxtaposing primary colors. Outlines of figural forms are countered with sections of geometric patterning. The multitude of implied…

Mukhallad Al-Mukhtar 2 2001.jpg
A desert landscape makes up the background of this composition by Mukhallad Al-Mukhtar. In the lower half of the picture plane undulating strokes of sandy tans and browns are contrasted with a sky of shimmering stippling with greens, blues, pinks,…

Mukhallad Al-Mukhtar 17 1991.jpg
This emotional composition, by Mukhallad Al-Mukhtar, is dominated by pillars of twisting smoke; within the smoking columns disembodied eyes float surrounded by colored lines. A dove stands placidly in the foreground whilst in the middle ground…

Amer Al-Obaidi 3.jpg
The main color palette of this composition is made up of various shades of blue with splashes of red patterning. Three stylized horses dominate the picture plane. The highly abstracted version of a human figure appears to be laid horizontally across…

Amer Al-Obaidi 2.jpg
This composition, by Amer Al-Obaidi, is bifurcated into two hemispheres of black and red. The picture plane is otherwise void with the exception of a cluster of figures concentrated at the center of the canvas. This cluster is composed of abstracted…

Amer Al-Obaidi 1_1983.jpg
Two almost identical horses stand erect at the left of the composition. There forms are somewhat stylized, yet still recognizable in contrast to the setting in which they have been placed. The way in which the landscape is rendered is reminiscent of…
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