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  • Format contains "Oil on Canvas"

Rafa Al Nasiri  4.jpg
In this horizontally oriented composition, by Rafa Al Nasiri, four vignettes are framed with a blue border. Each frame is then further horizontally bifurcated with a series of multicolored lines. Within each segment is a differing organic shape…

Rafa Al Nasiri  3.jpg
Simplistically speaking this composition is made up of three layers that are rendered quite differently. The upper half of the picture plane is dominated by an alternating stratification of black and red that sits within a three-quarter black border.…

Rafa Al Nasiri  1.jpg
This pyramidal composition, by Rafa Al Nasiri, is framed with three tied rows each reducing in size with elevation. This tied system is mimicked within the frame with faint squared outlines. At the apex of the step pyramid is a band of bright red…

Khalid Al Jader 10.jpg
"River Scene 2" differs from the previous in the series as it has a great deal more movement and action in the composition and subject matter of the painting. The long, sweeping brush strokes mimic the motion of the waves in the river. The warm, rich…

Khalid Al Jader 09.jpg
In Iraqi Village 4, Al-Jadar relies on a much tighter composition than others in the series. The bulk of the paintings scene takes place in the foreground, focusing on the bare skeletal silhouettes of the trees, the cube like shapes of the houses,…

Khalid Al Jader 11.jpg
"Iraq Village 5" is quite similar to others in the Village series. The depiction of architecture and persons in the painting is consistent with the other works of this subject matter executed by Al-Jadar. The colors are striking with the poignant…
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