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  • Format contains "Oil on Canvas"

Farouk Abdelazeez 2.jpg
In this painterly scene, by Farouk Abdelazeez, a raft filled with goods is propelled down a river by shadowy figures. On the banks of the river are various forms of lush vegetation including a thick forest of palm tress. The river, rendered in loose…

Farouk Abdelazeez 1.jpg
This village scene, by Farouk Abdelazeez, is rendered in a type of stippling, as each form appears to be composed of a series of hatching and dotted marks. The viewer’s perspective is as one traveling down river; across a bend a small village emerges…

Farouk Abdelazeez 4.jpg
Farouk Abdelazeez has again rendered this landscaped with a kind of stippling technique that composes each form. The landscape here rises from a marshy valley to rolling hills and finally to a rocky mountain range. The color palette is natural, of…

Farouk Abdelazeez 3.jpg
Farouk Abdelazeez has captured this market scene in the midst of action and with detailed realism. A seated woman turns uncomfortably to glance at something beyond the picture plane while two standing women are in conversation. Other figures merely…

Gha'ib Aljanabi 2.jpg
This composition by Aljanabi represents a compete abstraction created through the use of swirling color smears. Here the content of the piece is submissive to the aesthetic as the focus is on the blending and direction of the color application not on…

Gha'ib Aljanabi 1 1998.jpg
Like Aljanabi’s completely abstracted pieces, this unconventional portrait focuses on the formal qualities of line and color as it overemphasizes the shape of the woman’s garments and fabricates the color palette of the environment. Although the…

Malallah 4
Malallah has utilized a grid pattern to compose this piece. Atop the strict organization of small squares black paint drips down from the upper portion of the picture plane, smearing when coming into contact with the white lower third of the…


Hashim Al-Tawil 1.jpg
This composition, by Hashim Al-Tawil, is made up of several square vignettes. Each square contains different representations that combine text and image. Groups of figures are rendered in a reductive manner with heads and bodies insinuated with ovals…
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