With this realistic representation, al-Rassam has captured a moment of tranquility as a small raft travels slowly down a smooth river. In the distance the ruins of the Great Mosque of Samarra are dwarfed within the expanse of the landscape. These…
Here al-Rassam has focused on the Great Mosque of Samarra as the main subject. A small aircraft traverses the canvas space allowing for a unique perspective of the archaeological site. The ruins are made up of the wall of the mosque and the Malwiya…
In this painting, al-Rassam has depicted the landscape with a more painterly quality. Although the brushstrokes are more apparent, the clarity of detail is still present as each element of the landscape is fully rendered. The way al-Rassam has framed…
This landscape, by Abdul Qader al-Rassam, depicts a flat plane traversed by two jagged roads. In the distance stands a rock-cut building in ruin disturbing the horizontality of the composition. A lonely camel rider travels along the road towards an…
Presented here is a pastoral scene with the representation of rural culture. A herd of sheep travel along a dirt road in the midst of an expansive landscape. In the deep background, a sprawling metropolis can be faintly scene. Yet, within this slow…