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  • Format contains "Oil on Canvas"

Gha'ib Aljanabi 1 1998.jpg
Like Aljanabi’s completely abstracted pieces, this unconventional portrait focuses on the formal qualities of line and color as it overemphasizes the shape of the woman’s garments and fabricates the color palette of the environment. Although the…

Gha'ib Aljanabi 2.jpg
This composition by Aljanabi represents a compete abstraction created through the use of swirling color smears. Here the content of the piece is submissive to the aesthetic as the focus is on the blending and direction of the color application not on…

Abdul Qader Al Rassam  6.jpg
Presented here is a pastoral scene with the representation of rural culture. A herd of sheep travel along a dirt road in the midst of an expansive landscape. In the deep background, a sprawling metropolis can be faintly scene. Yet, within this slow…

Abdul Qader Al Rassam  2.jpg
With this realistic representation, al-Rassam has captured a moment of tranquility as a small raft travels slowly down a smooth river. In the distance the ruins of the Great Mosque of Samarra are dwarfed within the expanse of the landscape. These…

Abdul Qader Al Rassam  3.jpg
Here al-Rassam has focused on the Great Mosque of Samarra as the main subject. A small aircraft traverses the canvas space allowing for a unique perspective of the archaeological site. The ruins are made up of the wall of the mosque and the Malwiya…

Abdul Qader Al Rassam  5.jpg
In this painting, al-Rassam has depicted the landscape with a more painterly quality. Although the brushstrokes are more apparent, the clarity of detail is still present as each element of the landscape is fully rendered. The way al-Rassam has framed…
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