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  • Format contains "Oil on Canvas"

Abdul Qader Al Rassam  2.jpg
With this realistic representation, al-Rassam has captured a moment of tranquility as a small raft travels slowly down a smooth river. In the distance the ruins of the Great Mosque of Samarra are dwarfed within the expanse of the landscape. These…

Abdul Qader Al Rassam  3.jpg
Here al-Rassam has focused on the Great Mosque of Samarra as the main subject. A small aircraft traverses the canvas space allowing for a unique perspective of the archaeological site. The ruins are made up of the wall of the mosque and the Malwiya…

Abdul Qader Al Rassam  5.jpg
In this painting, al-Rassam has depicted the landscape with a more painterly quality. Although the brushstrokes are more apparent, the clarity of detail is still present as each element of the landscape is fully rendered. The way al-Rassam has framed…

Rafa Al Nasiri  4.jpg
In this horizontally oriented composition, by Rafa Al Nasiri, four vignettes are framed with a blue border. Each frame is then further horizontally bifurcated with a series of multicolored lines. Within each segment is a differing organic shape…

Rafa Al Nasiri  3.jpg
Simplistically speaking this composition is made up of three layers that are rendered quite differently. The upper half of the picture plane is dominated by an alternating stratification of black and red that sits within a three-quarter black border.…

Rafa Al Nasiri  1.jpg
This pyramidal composition, by Rafa Al Nasiri, is framed with three tied rows each reducing in size with elevation. This tied system is mimicked within the frame with faint squared outlines. At the apex of the step pyramid is a band of bright red…

Suad Al Atar  3.jpg
The majority of this composition, by Suad al Attar, is rendered with a monochromatic color scheme of dappled tans with highlights of bright white. Within an outlined landscape sits a figure upon a horse. The horse in adorned with blue and yellow…

Suad Al Atar  1.jpg
This portrait focuses on the figure of a hunched elderly woman. The figure is completely covered with a robe and head covering; only her wrinkled visage is shown. She is placed within a domestic setting with two teapots and a serving pitcher. The…

Suad Al Atar  6.jpg
This surreal portrait, by Suad al Attar, focuses on the visage of a young woman from both a frontal and three-quarter vantage point. The figure is rendered through the use of outline and shading. Undulating lines flow outward from the woman’s face…

Suad Al Atar  5.jpg
This vibrant work, by Suad al Attar, is electrified through the hyper-realistic rendering of a tree’s root system fanning out from the central trunk like lightning through the sky. The color scheme of intense reds and yellows contrasted with black…
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